dijous, 6 d’octubre del 2016


Hello everyone, in this post I'm gonna talk about the "end".  But what kind of end? -Are you probably thinking... In this case it is "The end of the History", a controversial sociological therm used as a utopia for some. It isn't very common to hear somebody using this word with this specific meaning but when you know what does it means it is really interesting to talk about politics and to joke about the Spanish politic system (actually it isn't funny but better laugh instead of cry ... ). Anyway... I found out this concept listening to one of my favorite songs that was doing references to the "end" during the chorus, and I didn't know what did it mean until now. After spending some time researching information about it now I can declare it comes from a book called The End of History and the Last Man. At first I didn't pay too much attention to it but after start reading what is it about and it's argument I start getting interested. So I decided to summarize it and share it in my blog:

The End of History and the Last Man is a 1992 book writed by Francis Fukuyama where he exposes a controversy thesis: the History as a sttrugle of ideologies has finished after the Cold War, and the Western liberal democracy has been extended in all the countries around the world. There are no more communist or dictatorial regimes, everyone is submit to the capitalism. Inspired by the German philosopher Hegel, Fukuyama claims that the Western liberal democracy is the only way to keep balanced the society as political and economical. In this way it is constituted the called single though: the ideologies are no needed anymore and has been replaced. The most of countries are now the possible completion of the Marxist dream of a society without classes. " The end of the history means the end of wars and bloody revolutions, the man satisfy his needs via economical activity without having to risk his life in such battles " says Fukuyama.

His ideal bases of the Western liberal democracy are :
  • Own a free market economy
  • Having a representative government
  • Keep the juridic rights
Fukuyama also defends that freedom is one of the most important things of this governmental system.  It is vital a globalization that offers market's competitiveness, and also avoid authoritarian and oppressive governments. In the economy the state have to take the minimum role, letting the private capital move with more liberty.   


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