dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016

U.S Elections Special

U.S Elections Candidates critical analysis

Donald Trump

During United States of America democracy there has been a huge number of scandalous politics, but Dondald Trump is the most highlighted right now. This 70 years old magnant is located at the 156th position of the U.S most rich people, beating in money therms the rest of the candidates that has presented ever. But  if he is distinguish isn't for that material reason, it is because his ideals and his patriotic way to act. He is admired as hated for loads of people from around the world, not just for his politic stands, but his public declarations about what does he think about the "colored " people, the immigration and this kind of topics. But we're not here to analyse that, we're going to judge his competences as a politician.

I'm gonna start to explain his strong and weak points from an objective point of view:

1. His way to communicate ideas to people.

This could be maybe his strongest and also weakest point. From one side we got his overpowering way to speak. When you listen to Trump it seems like you are with him or you are against, there isn't an average. If you like his ideas, plans for the future, and all his purposes, with time you like him more and more, but this also happens if you don't like him: every time he speaks the first thing to come in your mind is an insult ...  He also has his particular way to gesticulate, i think he just created a new sign language exclusive for his speeches. Anyway, I think his attitude is a double-edge weapon that maybe he can't control, it's efficacy depends more of the people who's listening to him.

2. His countenance and tenacity

Some politics commit the serious error to be too much kind with voters, and do whatever they want to gain their vote. I'm talking about changing completely their political program just to guarantee the support a different social class or another depending on his interests. When a political group that use this technique and finally win the elections, it isn't able to gratify everyone, that's been empirically proven, and instead of trying their best to avoid disappointed voters, this political parties tend to do what they want when got the chance. In the case of Donald Trump, there is no possible chance of disappointment his voters, because he's been following his own values from the begging and it would be stupid to stop believing in them when he got millions of people supporting him.

3.He is already rich

Some countries got economical problems because their governments take advantage form his privileged position and spend his legislature stealing public money from thousands of different ways. The point is that Trump is already rich, actually  he is one of the riches businessman of all USA, so he can earn all the money he want without necessity to become a corrupt, and maybe, his businesses experience will be useful for his country in the case he wins the elections. But, being used to live his life without economical problems nor knowing what do the worker statement feel in crisis time, he maybe isn't able to understand this kind of preoccupations, and that's maybe a con.

4. His different way to think

The biggest problem of Dondald Trump is that he has a "particular" point of view (that most times disagrees with the common sense) about topics that nowadays have been treated very delicately like immigration, Siria's conflict, racism ... He also has no respect for women and despise anyone who was against him instead of learning from the competence as a good politician should do. We could say that Trump could be a bad influence to all the Americans that are constantly listening him and being seduced by his crazy ideas...

Resultat d'imatges de donald trump

Hillary Clinton

From the democratic side we got her, Hillary Clinton, wife of the 42th president of the Unite States, Bill Clinton. She is a bit younger that Trump, but she also seems more mentally mature than him. She's very respectable politically, not anyone can devote his entire life to the democracy of America as she did. But even being that much experienced he lost once in the primaries of his party against a novice, that beginner was Obama. Now it looks like she is gonna try again his fight to become the first woman to preside the United States. During his political campaign she haven't been scandalous as his rival but has treated to convince all the voters harder than the majority of candidates. Without further ado, let's see some of her songstresses and weaknesses:

1.She is politically known  

As I said before, she has spend a serial time on politic stuff and from the beginning everybody interested in the history of America should know about her. But in her case that is maybe not an advantage, I mean, when she lost against Obama she let him grow enough to become the first black president of the US and broke the racist wall between the white and the colored people, but also demonstrated that she wasn't skilled enough to win in his own party... Most of people maybe don't remember that she was competing versus Obama, but the ones who do now know his lack of competence. Now, even if she has improved radically maybe isn't taked so seriously than before.

2.His political program looks right

This is a pro on Hillary's campaign, she defends everybody for equal without interested points of view or second intentions. We could say that she seeks the common good in the society, the satisfaction of every single american: the rich, the poor, the adults, the kids... She fights for a state where everyone feels free and receives proper support: education, sanity, security... Maybe the economical situation of America isn't her priority, instead of that, she looks for people situation and procures to guarantee a fair life for all of the americans.

3.She has the support of the actual president

Obama has influenced a lot the American mentality and has gained the support of a big part of the country so it will be useful for Hillary to have an influential person as Obama on his side. That will helpful to voters that trust Obama but not the rest of candidates of his party. The bad part of this is that this also works with the ones that dislike Obama: in case of doubt they'll choose Trump to avoid democratic politics like him.

Resultat d'imatges de hillary clinton

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